
Polenta and rosemary chips with a kick!

There's nothing better than ending a week with fries! This is pretty simple to make: just make your favourite polenta (drier is best, too wet and it won't crisp), mix with herbs, and form into chips one tablespoon at a time. When in the oven, don't flip them over as they'll roast rather than be crispy. Either way, you would be in for a...

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Carrot, pasta with a mushroom cheese sauce

Which ever way you serve this, it's delicious. There's no real recipe (it's a family secret!) but I will say the key to a good cheese sauce is using corn flour: the texture just bubbles so much easier with the butter at those first stages.  ...

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Cinnamon Rolls with a Cream Cheese / Peanut Butter Glaze

So I had a friend over, and we each did our own little baking thing together while bonding over various flours and processes. I've been dying to try out my own cinnamon rolls, especially since the bakery chain no longer makes them (extremely sad!!). These couldn't have turned out more perfect: The cinnamon wasn't too sweet, the dough was that pull apart consistency:...

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Getting my grill on

As soon as the days start to get a little longer and the weather a little warmer my thoughts start to head in the direction of BBQ's. During the cold winter months it is often dark by the time I finish work, but once spring starts to make its presence felt there is little more that I enjoy than cooking on the BBQ...

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Strawberry Honey Frozen Yoghurt

When life gives you a rainy day.... Throw a tub of yoghurt and diced strawberries into an ice cream maker.  When life gives you a rainy day.... Throw a tub of yoghurt and diced strawberries into an ice cream maker.  ...

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Spicy Zuchinni Bread

A typical Thursday night calls for some variety... And this tasty loaf is a great addition to your fridge for a few days! I would suggest making polenta (dry polenta + stock) and then combining with the wet, to reduce the grainy taste. Here's the recipe:https://foodblogandthedog.wordpress.com/2011/10/04/zucchini-green-chilli-cornbread/Substitute green chillies for whatever you please! ...

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A loaf of Bananas

Freshly cut, and oh so tasty This tasty banana bread was gone within the day at my house! It's just a simple banana bread, with a hint of maple syrup! But alas, I didn't have any, so I just replaced it with raw honey. I also replaced 80% of the sugar with Stevia too, just to make it that little bit healthier (even...

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